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时间:2023-11-26 04:05:24

高考英语书面表达分类模板 all the time.What a wonderful weekend we had! 叙事类 We enjoyed ourselves very much. 外出活动、欣赏美景(日记)Through these out-of class activities we can We decided to go out for a picnic. learn a lot of things that can’t be learned I had a pleasant outing with some of my in class. classmates today. Although we were tired, we felt very happy. Early in the morning, we set off for the farm I think it’s our duty to cover our country for a visit. with green. When we reached the farm, we were given a warm 意外事故、天灾人祸 welcome. I was walking along the street when a

They showed us around the farm(We were shown terrible accident happened in the street. W ……此处隐藏12241个字……0 失去连络 to lose track of

131 保持连络 to keep in touch with132 误入歧途 to go astray133 养成...的习惯 to make it a rule to; to cultivate the habit

134 统一中国 to reunify China

135 不辞辛劳 to take the pains to

136 遇到交通阻塞 to be caught in a traffic jam137 给...教训 to teach someone a lesson

138 改过自新 to turn over a new leaf139 引以为乐 to take delight in140 予...以打击 to deal a heavy blow to

141 予...以威胁 to pose a threat to142 取代 to take the place of

143 预作保留 to make the reservation144 使...澈夜未眠 to cost someone a sleepless night

145 充满喜悦 to be filled with joy146 背诵 to learn....by heart147 鼓励 to encourage, inspire148 产生不同 to make a great difference

149 犯法 to violate the law

150 不遗余力 to spare no efforts to



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